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The new structure of the CabSec comprises three (3) main Departments (with sub-units) as follows: (Also see organizational chart).



  1. Corporate Affairs Department

The main objective of this department is to provide support functions to the two main technical departments of the CabSec: i.e.: the Cabinet Affairs and the Civil / Public Affairs Departments. This support includes:

  • General administration

  • Finance, procurement and logistics

  • Travel arrangement

  • Reception and hospitality

  • ICT systems, procedure and processes development and implementation

  • Supporting management information systems development (including a database of workload for each department and staff)

  • Human resource management including staff development and training

  • Records management (systems, procedures and processes for storage, retrieval and distribution of print and electronic data)

  • Asset management

  • Fleet management

  • Dispatch and delivery

  • Public information and communication.


The Department is headed by the Assistant to the Secretary to the Cabinet I, who provides strategic supervision over the following components:



(a) Human Resource Management Unit

The mandate of the Human Resource unit is to coordinate the human resource requirements of the Cabinet Secretariat including staff development and training; serve as the liaison between this Secretariat and the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO); as well as provide technical support in the implementation of human resource polices and strategies.


(b) Information and Communication Technology Unit


The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) unit of the Cabinet Secretariat has a mandate to improve the scope and quality of the Secretariat’s communication operations and ensure smooth running of all information technology (IT) equipment, development and maintenance of the ICT infrastructure provision of ICT advice as well as the management of the Secretariat’s website and online content.


(c) Public Information /Relations Unit

Given the key role of information dissemination in effective governance, the CabSec solicited support from the Ministry of Information and Communications in the first quarter of 2014 to set up a Public Relations unit manned by an Information Officer. The main objectives of the unit is to provide communications/media support to the CabSec in order to raise visibility and strengthen its reputation through clear, consistent and constant communication to its various stakeholders, and to strengthen external relations by tailoring messages in order to make the Secretariat more visible, credible and better understood by all its diverse audiences.


(d) Records Management Unit

The CabSec’s records and information systems are now strengthened with good records management, adequate and cost effective storage resources, and trained staff to the extent that access and the security of sensitive government data were not compromised. There are proper systems or effective procedures for managing records existence and this is grossly compounded by adequate storage for backlog of hard / soft copy records.  There is now link between hard copy and computerized documents / soft copies kept in official computers of staff. Even the Cabinet ‘Secret Room’ where confidential Cabinet papers and records are kept, comprises steel-drawer filing cabinets arranged in a proper fashion. The availability of effective records management capacity also helped the ability of the CabSec to manage the Performance contracting component of the performance management system that is being implemented across the civil service in a proper manner.


(e) Accounts Unit

The Accounts Unit is charged with the following responsibilities:


  • Ensures that all monies allocated to the Cabinet Secretariat are expended for their intended purpose and in accordance with the law.

  • Ensures the timely execution of all financial transactions.

  • Ensures effective financial management in the Secretariat by executing sound budgeting and budgetary control practices through participation in the preparation of the Secretariat’s Annual Budget.

  • Ensuring sound internal controls are in operation through the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the payment process.Ensuring the timely production and submission of financial reports and other documents are ready for audit purposes.







(f) Procurement Unit














(g) Internal Audits Unit


  Cabinet Secretariat (CABSEC) (Office of the President)

Physical and Mailing Address:

Cabinet Secretariat (CABSEC)

(Office of the President)

Vice President Office Building

1st. Floor O.A.U. Drive, Tower Hill Freetown, Sierra Leone

Work Hours

Monday to Thursday: 08: 30 am – 4: 45 pm

Friday: 08:30 am – 03: 00 pm

Contact Info

ICT UNIT @ Cabinet Secretariat